

最简单的办法设置W10 UWP软件开机自启动

答案来自于这个stackoverflow的回答, 地址:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35940683/uwp-app-start-automatically-at-startup



  1. Open File Explorer
  2. In address bar, copy-and-paste shell:AppsFolder
  3. Right-click the app and then click Create Shorcut.
  4. The message box asks to create shorcut on the Desktop. Click Yes.
  5. In File Explorer address bar, copy-and-paste shell:startup
  6. Go to Desktop and copy-and-paste shorcut to File Explorer.
  7. Reboot your computer if you want to test.


  • Tip: if you want to by-pass login dialog on Windows startup.

  • Start > Run

  • type control userpasswords2

  • User Accounts window will be opened. Uncheck Users must enter a user name …

  • When you click OK, you will be asked to enter account password. Type password.

  • Reboot your computer if you want to test.